Saturday, June 5, 2010

Mission Ashtanga Interviewed on

Last week Mission Ashtanga was interviewed by the maven yoga blogger, Peter Alejandro, of MahaMondo.  If you ever have a chance to meet him, you will encounter the embodiment of of the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman.  Peter emanates the qualities of devotion and courage.  He is a dedicated student of Jorgen Christansson of Mahayoga in Santa Monica and disseminator of 'all-things yoga.' The goal of his blog is to share little-known and hidden gems in the yoga world with a wider audience.  Feel free to share this link with your friends who are into yoga. 

Herst Wellness Interview

On Thursday, I had an enjoyable conversation with a traveling yogini, Stephanie Spence.  Stephanie is on a road trip from Scottsdale, AZ all the way up the West Coast interviewing yogis and yoginis.  49 years old, with two young adult kids, and having been married and divorced, she says that yoga has helped her to stay and feel beautiful, both inside and out. She wants to share that both in video and book format with others.  Stephanie carries a quality of optimism, play, and excitement that is characteristic of people who are living from their values, and for her, it's clear that yoga is a big one.  We had a really enjoyable conversation, some of which is recorded in interview format here.